Resources and Links
- A Complete Guide to Reading and Writing the Deseret Alphabet - By Neil Alexander Walker
- Brion Zion - Brion Zion's Deseret Alphabet
- Central Hub - The Huneybee Font
- Deseret Alphabet - BYU-Idaho
- Deseret Alphabet - The Encyclopedia of Mormonism
- Deseret Alphabet, a 38-Letter Writing System Developed by Mormons
- Deseret Alphabet Classics - Deseret Alphabet editions of some of the great works of English literature and LDS theology
- Deseret Alphabet Translator - Translate text into the Deseret Alphabet
- Deseretica - A blog devoted to the Deseret Alphabet.
- Deseret Language and Linguistic Society Symposium - The BYU College of Humanities sponsored an annual DLLS Symposium from 1975 to 2001.
- Edward Bateman Experiments - A Deseret Alphabet page by Edward Bateman
- Facebook - Facebook Deseret Alphabet Group.
- FARMS - "The Deseret Alphabet as an Aid in Pronouncing Book of Mormon Names", Fredrick M. Huchel
- Friend, July 1985 - The Deseret Alphabet, By Dora D. Flack
- Internet Archive - Deseret Alphabet at the Internet Archive
- Joshua Erickson - Joshua Erickson's Deseret Alphabet Pages
- Juvenile Instructor - The Deseret Alphabet in Facebook Profiles
- LDS Living - Why Brigham Young Commissioned a "Mormon Alphabet"
- Luc Devroye - Deseret Alphabet Fonts - A listing of various Deseret Alphabet fonts by Luc Devroye
- Marco Mora-Huizar, Deseret Alphabet Instagram
- Mendon, Utah - Deseret Alphabet, Childrens Primer
- New-York Historical Society - The Mormon Alphabet Experiment
- Omniglot - Deseret Alphabet - The Deseret Alphabet page at Omniglot
- The Deseret Alphabet Experiment - The Deseret Alphabet Experiment by Richard G. Moore.
- The Republic of Molossia - A "micro nation" in Nevada that uses the Deseret Alphabet
- The Vault - Brigham Young’s Short-Lived, Experimental Mormon Alphabet
- Tseng-tsz Deseret Alphabet Blog - Tseng-tsz's Deseret Alphabet Blog.
- Tseng-tsz Deseret Alphabet Wiki - Tseng-tsz's Deseret Alphabet Wiki
- Unicode 4.1 Chart - The Unicode 4.1 Deseret Alphabet chart (PDF)
- Wikipedia - Deseret Alphabet - The Deseret Alphabet page at Wikipedia
- Writing in the Deseret Alphabet - Writing in the Deseret Alphabet by Michael Elliott.
- XKCD in the Deseret Alphabet - The XKCD webcomic transcribed into the Deseret Alphabet.
- Yahoo! Groups - Deseret_AB - The Deseret Alphabet Yahoo! Group